[fpc-devel]1. new() bug? 2. another bug i guess :>

Maly maly at nan.pl
Sat May 31 23:58:56 CEST 2003

Hello again,

It seems that I found 2 bugs(31th May, binary+source snapshot 1.1 , not from

1. new() doesn't allocate memory correctly under specific circumstances,
   moreover it just crashes with 216 - av.

i had something like this(and it compiled and ran well under 1.0.6):

TResImageDef        = record
                        Name      : TResName;   // TResName=string[63]
                        hName     : longint;
                        Image     : TImage;
                        ImgType   : ResImgTypes;
PResImageDef        = ^TResImageDef;
ResImageDefs    : array[1..MResImageDefs] of PResImageDef;
ResImageDefs[nResImageDefs]:=New(PResImageDef);   //   <-------

the marked line was causing a RE216 but when i changed it into:


it works well. i dont get it :|.
(it is quite possible that this code clip works well, but i haven't been
 to isolate the minimal crashing code :|)

2. i get a following warning message when i try to compile OpenAL headers.
al.pas(291,4) Warning: c:\fpc\bin\win32\wmvesa\al.ppu Interface CRC changed
it wouldn't be a problem, if it didn't cause a complete failure eg. my
simple OpenAL-based engine doesn't work anymore - silence :|.

(the same compiler version as above.)

3.(more a notice than a bug :>)
   when i had the 1.0.6 i've noticed that my DefaultHandler (messages etc)
   wasn't called at all when unrecognized message was encountered. but that
   doesn't count now, the 1.1 is fixed, it works well.

Luke 'Maly' O.

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