[fpc-devel]intolerable sets incompatibility!

Pavel V. Ozerski pavel at insect.mail.iephb.ru
Wed Mar 5 13:40:53 CET 2003

Hello all,
I tried to use some set types as fields in database.
I would put into datebase a structure

 tInfo=packed record
  date:set of 1..36;
  hour:set of 0..23;

 Of cource, I must reserve correct count of bytes for database field.
 Therefore I checked SizeOf value for this structure. But I compared
 results of working of FPC-compiled, Delphi-compiled and
 VirtualPascal-compiled program that wrote this value. Results:
 Delphi and VP - 9 bytes, FPC - 36 bytes. I must conclude: using FPC
 for this databse should cause: 1) its unwarrantable bloating; 2)
 impossibility to use the same code in Delphi and in FPC (at least the
 same type definitions) to access this database. May be, the sets
 handling in FPC may be rewritten?

 Pavel                            mailto:pavel at insect.mail.iephb.ru

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