[fpc-devel][FPC1.1] SetString(AnsiString,...) and #0

Dimitry Sibiryakov SD at topol.udm.net
Fri Jan 24 12:35:20 CET 2003

  Hi, All!

  I think current behavior of SetString is incorrect. AnsiString may 
contain #0's so SetString shouldn't care about Buf's content.
  BTW, what if Len=0?


< var
<   BufLen: longint;
<     begin
<       BufLen := StrLen(Buf);
<       If (BufLen < Len) then
<         Len := BufLen;
<       Move (Buf[0],S[1],Len);
<     end;
>     Move (Buf[0],S[1],Len);

   SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.

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