[fpc-devel]Is there a rpm with the fpc sources?

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Feb 7 09:02:35 CET 2003

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 07:17:04 +0100 (CET)
"Peter Vreman" <peter at freepascal.org> wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm searching for a rpm for the fpc source snapshot. (1.0.x or 1.1)
> There is none atm. If there are enough request for such a snapshot it can
> be generated on a daily base. 

I want to create a lazarus rpm and it should require fpc and its sources.
For lazarus the fpc and the source package do not need to correspond. But I
know from other sources, what strange hokuspokus you get, when trying to
understand why the source behave differently than the installed lib. In the
last two years lazarus provided some fpc rpms, and I guess this will be
especially the case for the 1.1. So I need a 'make fpc_source_rpm' with a
very simple spec file.

> But it should already be possible to use a
> daily CVS checkout and call 'make rpm' to build the rpm.

Yesterday the 1.0.7 failed for me when compiling gtkglarea, because it tries
to recompile gl.ppu.

The 1.1 also failed with DOS unit not found in sysutils.pp.


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