[fpc-devel]Method overloading

Johann Glaser Johann.Glaser at gmx.at
Tue Apr 29 13:56:56 CEST 2003


> I tried it myself under win32 and it works fine with 1.1:

Ok, I've tried with FPC 1.1 (current snapshot) under Linux and it works

[hansi at hansi]-(~/Kuernberg/Bar/src/bug)$ ppc386-1.0 -B bar
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.6 [2002/08/10] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling bar.pas
Compiling serialinterface.pas
Assembling serialinterface
Compiling rs485.pas
Assembling rs485
Assembling bar
Linking bar
64 Lines compiled, 0.0 sec
[hansi at hansi]-(~/Kuernberg/Bar/src/bug)$ ./bar
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = "S.Send"):LongInt;
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String =
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = ""):LongInt;
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = ""):LongInt;
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = ""):LongInt;
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = ""):LongInt;
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = ""):LongInt;
[ ... a lot more times ]
[hansi at hansi]-(~/Kuernberg/Bar/src/bug)$ ppc386 -B bar
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.1 [2003/03/16] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling bar.pas
Compiling serialinterface.pas
Compiling rs485.pas
Linking bar
64 Lines compiled, 0.1 sec
[hansi at hansi]-(~/Kuernberg/Bar/src/bug)$ ./bar
CSerialInterface.Send(St:String = "S.Send"):LongInt;
CRS485.Send(Buf:Pointer = BFFFF765;Length:LongInt = 6):LongInt;
sending: "S.Send"
Kein BUG!
[hansi at hansi]-(~/Kuernberg/Bar/src/bug)$ 

(the '@' above come from the editor 'joe' with which I've looked at a
file generated with "./bar > a.txt" to get the whole output. The '@' is
printed bold which means ^@ = #$00).


Johann Glaser   <Johann.Glaser at gmx.at>
   Vienna University of Technology
       Electrical Engineering 
____ http://www.johann-glaser.at/ ____

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