[fpc-devel]new OpenGL units finally available!

Sebastian Günther sguenther at gmx.de
Sun Oct 13 18:45:18 CEST 2002

Hello *,

after lots of requests, the new units for OpenGL support in Free Pascal 
are finished now.
These new units are based on the Delphi units by Tom Nuydens for 
delphi3d.net. I decided to switch to these units, because they are well 
maintained, looked complete and support almost all OpenGL extensions.

The examples have been adapted to the new units (there a some minor 
incompatiblities), and a new example has been added.

This time I tested everything on Win32 as well ;-), and the examples are 
definitively working.

You might have problems to compile the glext.pp unit on Win32, due to a 
bug in FPC's scanner. I hope this will be fixed soon.

The new units should appear in tomorrow's CVS snapshots; of course you 
can fetch them already now via CVS.

I'll add OpenGL support to fpGFX within the next weeks; then it will be 
possible to write OpenGL applications with window support for Win32 and 
X11, _without_ using the GLUT library. And I'll try to integrate fpImg 
as well, so that textures can be loaded using fpImg.

- Sebastian

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