
Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Thu May 23 15:10:05 CEST 2002

On donderdag, mei 23, 2002, at 02:57 , Alejandro NĂ©stor Vargas wrote:

> I think it's better to configure the list managger software for not
> allowing mailsfrom non-subscribed e-mail addresses...

This was already discussed a while ago. While it's possible for people 
posting from different addresses to subscribe with all those addresses 
and set all but one to "no-mail" (so they can post using all those 
addresses and still receive only one copy of each message sent to the 
mailing list), the general consensus was that there isn't enough spam on 
these lists to warrant such a measure which would inconvenience several 
people. And yes, that sentence is waaaay too long :)


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