[fpc-devel]New release and IOI

Tom Verhoeff wstomv at win.tue.nl
Fri Mar 1 14:35:19 CET 2002

>Hallo Tom,
>Op 01 Mar 02 schreef Tom Verhoeff aan fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org:
> TV> A couple of days back I sent a message to this list, but I have not
> TV> seen it being distributed.  Was it lost in the ISP move?
>Ik heb jouw oorspronkelijke bericht binnengekregen op 26 februari. En er zijn 
>ook twee antwoorden op gekomen. Hoop je hiermee van dienst te zijn.

I have seen none of those messages, and I am still very interested in
the responses.  Can someone mail them to me directly.  The archives
don't seem to work :-(.


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