[fpc-devel]Bug report.

Peter Dani dpsoftware at personal.ro
Sun Sep 16 18:45:22 CEST 2001

Greetings to Free Pascal coders!
FP is a cool program creator,but i have to report you some bugs.
(Note: I am using it under WIN32.)

-Sometimes when I compile or run a program the IDE just exits... with no error
-Sometimes when I compile a program the next error message appears:
 "INTENAL ERROR:78455782"

My system is not the best of the best,and onestly IT SUCKS : 
586 with 133 Mhz;
16 Mb RAM;
Windows 95;
Trident SVGA with 1 Mb video RAM.
(As you see my system is very,very old...)

I would appreciate if you could mail me the solution of my problems.

Thank you very mutch,and sorry about my english.

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