[fpc-devel]Bugs in setlength for multidimensional dynamic arrays: first partial fix

Pavel V. Ozerski pavel at insect.mail.iephb.ru
Wed Sep 12 10:00:58 CEST 2001

I tried to find causes of buggy behavior of the last 1.1 compiler if it tries to compile source with
multidimensional dynamic arrays. The problem is not fully fixed but at least after my fix compiler does not
reject SetLength with more than two parameters (but it works incorrectly then). My solution seems to be not a hack
but a typical bugfix.

file: ninl.pas (created 06.Sep.01).
line 1540, old state:
                          (not(is_dynamic_array(left.resulttype.def))) then
line 1540, state after fix:
                          (not(is_dynamic_array(ppn.left.resulttype.def))) then

Sincerely, Pavel

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