[fpc-devel]Bye and translation controversia

adrian15 at europe.com adrian15 at europe.com
Tue Jun 5 20:40:44 CEST 2001

I'm going to pass my exams and then go to my non-internet connected home. So...

Bye. Thanks to Peter Vreman, Jonas Maebe and all those people who have answered 
my questions without asking anything back.

Most of your reasonaments about translating Pascal in other languages are 

But I have three main reasons to do it:

1) There's a non GNU Spanish Programmation Language and I don't like it's like 
BASIC, quite simple and it distinguish a line of code from another with a 
RETURN/INTRO not with a ; like in Pascal.

Mainpage: http://www.ttcentralco.f2s.com/interp.html
Some examples: http://www.ttcentralco.f2s.com/retos/sol2122000.html

It only works in Win32 not in Linux.

2) To learn, if you're very very very childish I think it's better to learn to 
program, to program simply programs in your own language. Later you will see 
that programming without using English is hard and that everybody in Internet, 
uses English programming languages to make all much simpler.

 But it would be easier than people that begin to program in English 
programming directly. Just translating.

3) And third, I'm young and I want to do it, it's a goal that I want to achieve.

Well, see you in the future.

I've disabled my email sending from this newsgroup so if you want to  write me 
back and you think that it's too too much important write me directly to my 

One more favour, if you see any Spanish person or I don't know anyone that it's 
from other nationality that understand Spanish, and by any chance (s)he wants 
to translate freepascal into his/her language, tell him/her to see here file 


It's the backup of my work up to now.

I'm online again on OCTOBER 2002. Or September, I'm not

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