[fpc-devel]Bugfixes and improvements in options.pas

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Sun Jul 1 12:20:57 CEST 2001

At 01:51 30-6-01, you wrote:
>PO> I think, current condition of +/- switches handling in command line
>PO> (options.pas) in 1.1 branch is not good and somewhere buggy. A
>PO> typical sample is  handling of -WD+/- which is fully impossible.
>PO> Cause: parsing all command characters inside of "for .. to" cycle
>PO> causes to getting "+" or "-" characters as independent switches which
>PO> are not supported. Somewhere this problem was partially solved using
>PO> index increasing but not fully correctly because only if "-" sign
>PO> would be found the index would be increased. Missing of signs after
>PO> switch would also cause loss of next switch. Therefore now I tried to
>PO> fix this bug and added excluding of signs directly into unsetbool
>PO> function. This change let me simplify some constructions. Also I
>PO> would add support -WR+ / -WR- as synonims of -WR / -WN (may be, -WN
>PO> switch could be excluded).
>PO> All these my changes are marked by //Ozerski.
>PO> Sincerely, Pavel
>And this is a diff against a Pavel OPTIONS.PAS
>(FPC 1.1, some not corrected by Pavel UnsetBool() usage)

Thanks, the diff is already applied locally here and will be commited soon.


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