[fpc-devel]erred CVS repository?

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Jan 15 15:24:10 CET 2001

> I am not very knowledgable about CVS, but does the following indicate that
> the tree has been locked so that an author can commit and should I try
> back later, or is it a configuration error?
> (Updating FPC 1.1)
> cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/os2
> cvs server: failed to create lock directory in repository
> `/FPC/CVS/fpc/install/demo/os2': Permission denied
> cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
> `/FPC/CVS/fpc/install/demo/os2'
> cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
> freebsd#

It means that the permissions are wrong for that directory. However only
root, and the owner of that directory (Tomas Hajny) can change those.

It only bothers anonymous users (the group permissions are ok), and happens
when new dirs are created. 

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