[fpc-devel]Compiling problems

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Mon Dec 3 11:34:08 CET 2001

> > > Has anybody succeeded to compile compiler in win32 
> > environment? I have tried
> > > it with both 1.0.5 and 1.1 versions many times with out 
> > luck. If I install
> > > everything and go compiler source directory and type "make 
> > cycle" it usually

Here it works under Windows 2000

> Maybe problems were wrong directory structure, or ppc386.cfg. Can you do
> 'dir c:\pp > dirstruct' and send it to me and your ppc386.cfg also. GNU
> tools which I have are from 1.0.4 distribution... Are they too old? I have
> done everything what "Make cycle" faq says.

Yes, your tools are too old. For Windows 2000 you need to use the latest makew32.zip that
can be found here:


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