FW: [fpc-devel]documentation snapshot

Lee, John LeeJ at logica.com
Mon Sep 25 13:12:37 CEST 2000

I didn't say that one needs to be guru to install Adobe or IE - they are
nomally installed anyway on most companies'(and many private users') windoze
machines (dunno about linux ones). What I did say was that keeping docs up
as to date as poss. is important for fpc overall, and especially for the
(many?) non guru users! This is partly because, malheuresement, fpc
developers are sometimes/often? _not_ very good at announcing the
availability of new fpc facilites/functions/updates etc to non developers ie
ordinary users, so how the h*** (html?) are we supposed to find out about
things otherwise... except of course by trying to follow the discussion in
email groups like this one, which is never less than challenging!  John

> The documentation is good in fpc (for which you should all be
> & imo, it's very as important to improve it & keep it up to date - don't
> forget that for non developers or non gurus it's even more important.

You don't have to be a guru to install adobe reader, nor its 
. In fact it is simpler than messing with either Netscape or IE.

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