[fpc-devel]Cause of failur to recompile RTL

KO Myung-Hun komh at chollian.net
Sat Sep 23 17:06:21 CEST 2000


I guess that cause of failure to make RTL is that FPC do not assemble
.so2 file. FPC don't assemble .so2, and close script file, ppas.cmd. So
when FPC compare time stamps of .so2 with of .oo2, FPC do not success
comparison.  But I cannot know why FPC do not assemble.

However, if I try to compile the same source file with same option
passed by MAKE to FPC, .oo2 files are made.

What's the problem ?

For the better FPC !!!

    from KO Myung-Hun...

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