[fpc-devel]RTL debugging

md md at realmwireless.com
Mon Oct 30 15:53:04 CET 2000

I am looking to find a way to get the RTL re-compiled so that I can step
through it with gdb debugger
and look for problems (both in RTL and in applications compiled with
RTL)  FAQ #31 actually refers to recompiling the RTL with -gl switch.

Currently, I use fpc-1.0.2-i386.rpm to install fpc compiler.  Then I use
a stripped down Makefile to recompile the RTL source.

That Makefile is attached to this email.

The problem is that normal application builds are causing the RTL pieces
to recompile as well.  Only executing the Makefile should cause the
RTL to compile, not a uses clause in a application unit.  

Obviously, the application uses clauses does not allow the
appropriate compiler defines and switches to be in used while compiling
RTL units.

Some special switches include -Sg and -FE.

Any help appreciated.

md at realmwireless.com
-------------- next part --------------
asflags = -s -gstab -L --keep-locals -o
cflags = -di386 -dlinux -dI386 -FE -g

ass : remo        \
remppu      \
prt0.o      \
cprt0.o     \
gprt0.o     \
cprt21.o    \
gprt21.o    \
syslinux.o  \
objpas.o    \
strings.o   \
linux.o     \
ports.o     \
initc.o     \
dos.o       \
crt.o       \
objects.o   \
printer.o   \
graph.o     \
errors.o    \
sysutils.o  \
typinfo.o   \
math.o      \
cpu.o       \
mmx.o       \
getopts.o   \
heaptrc.o   \
lineinfo.o  \
sockets.o   \
gpm.o       \
ipc.o       \

remo : 
	rm -f *.o

remppu : 
	rm -f *.ppu

prt0.o : prt0.as
	as $(asflags) prt0.o prt0.as 

cprt0.o : cprt0.as
	as $(asflags) cprt0.o cprt0.as 

gprt0.o : gprt0.as
	as $(asflags) gprt0.o gprt0.as 

cprt21.o : cprt21.as
	as $(asflags) cprt21.o cprt21.as 

gprt21.o : gprt21.as
	as $(asflags) gprt21.o gprt0.as 

syslinux.o  :
	ppc386 $(cflags) -Us -Sg syslinux.pp 

objpas.o    :
	ppc386 $(cflags) objpas.pp 
strings.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) strings.pp 
linux.o     :
	ppc386 $(cflags) linux.pp 
ports.o     :
	ppc386 $(cflags) ports.pp 
initc.o     :
	ppc386 $(cflags) initc.pp 
dos.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) dos.pp 
crt.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) crt.pp 
objects.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) objects.pp 
printer.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) printer.pp 
graph.o     :
	ppc386 $(cflags) graph.pp 
errors.o    :
	ppc386 $(cflags) errors.pp 
sysutils.o  :
	ppc386 $(cflags) sysutils.pp 
typinfo.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) -Sg typinfo.pp 
math.o      :
	ppc386 $(cflags) math.pp 
cpu.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) cpu.pp 
mmx.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) mmx.pp 
getopts.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) getopts.pp 
heaptrc.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) -Sg heaptrc.pp 
lineinfo.o  :
	ppc386 $(cflags) lineinfo.pp 
sockets.o   :
	ppc386 $(cflags) sockets.pp 
gpm.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) gpm.pp 
ipc.o       :
	ppc386 $(cflags) ipc.pp 
serial.o  :
	ppc386 $(cflags) serial.pp 

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