[fpc-devel]a small fix to release

Pierre Muller pierre at freepascal.org
Tue Oct 17 10:07:36 CEST 2000

At 09:52 17/10/00 , vous avez écrit:
>Hello, I think about this strange directive PAVEL_LINKLIB ... Might be
>better setup fixes of Pavel to main code of fpc (like Gaber fixes ;-) ), or
>reject them? :-)
>What is PAVEL_LINKLIB fixes? I think this for Win32 only fixes or not? Pavel
>report me (might be in russian forum?) about it. ok?
>P.S: I think, Pavel is tormented every release fix ;-) I am right, Pavel?

    The problem is that I don't want to make Pavel's code default,
because it would break a lot of working stuff
(I would not be able to compile the IDE for win32 anymore with this code !)

   The best would of course be to insert it into main code but to use it 
with a special switch...
but I have already too much to do and I never found the time to really do 
this !


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