[fpc-devel]snap errs go32v2, out of memory
Lee, John
LeeJ at logica.com
Mon Oct 9 14:24:03 CEST 2000
same problem starting with win32...BTW it's NOT a memory problem with PC or
log file errors??...see log below
compilation aborted :0
error: out of memory
--Mon 09/10/00 13:02:35 target o/s = dos snap params m
--initial compiler c:\pp1\bin\ppc386, 08/10/00, 01:05
--latest sources used 09/10/00 03:02
--dos, 4dos, dpmi versions 7.10, 6.01 0.90
--make string used ... make OPT="-Xs" RELEASE=1 OS_TARGET=go32v2 cycle
c:/pp/bin/make.exe clean
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
rm -f ppc386.exe
rm -f fpcmade.dos ppas.bat link.res log
rm -f *.o *.ppu *.rst *.s *.a *.so *.ppl
... snip ...56 lines omitted
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/rtl/go32v2'
rm -f prt0.o exceptn.o fpu.o
rm -f system.ppu objpas.ppu strings.ppu go32.ppu dpmiexcp.ppu initc.ppu
ports.ppu profile.ppu dxeload.ppu emu387.ppu dos.ppu crt.ppu objects.ppu
printer.ppu graph.ppu sysutils.ppu math.ppu typinfo.ppu cpu.ppu mmx.ppu
getopts.ppu heaptrc.ppu lineinfo.ppu m
rm -f system.o objpas.o strings.o go32.o dpmiexcp.o initc.o ports.o
profile.o dxeload.o emu387.o dos.o crt.o objects.o printer.o graph.o
sysutils.o math.o typinfo.o cpu.o mmx.o getopts.o heaptrc.o lineinfo.o
msmouse.o charset.o varutils.o
rm -f math.rst varutils.rst
rm -f fpcmade.dos ppas.bat link.res log
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/rtl/go32v2'
c:/pp/bin/make.exe -C ../rtl/go32v2 'FPC=d:/fpk/compiler/ppc1.exe' 'OPT=-Xs'
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `d:/fpk/rtl/go32v2'
as -o prt0.o v2prt0.as
as -o exceptn.o exceptn.as
as -o fpu.o fpu.as
d:/fpk/compiler/ppc1.exe -Tgo32v2 -Xs -OG2p3 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE.
-Xs -di386 -Us -Sg system.pp
Error: Out of memory
Compilation aborted :0
make.exe[3]: *** [system.ppu] Error 203
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/rtl/go32v2'
make.exe[2]: *** [next] Error 2
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe[1]: *** [ppc2.exe] Error 2
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/fpk/compiler'
make.exe: *** [cycle] Error 2
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