[fpc-devel]New linux compiler snapshot.

Alejandro Nestor Vargas anv at xnetcuyo.com.ar
Wed Dec 27 01:18:32 CET 2000

> This is an automated message. A new linux snapshot has been compiled
> and has been installed on
> ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/snapshot/linux/

I noted that many times I received this automated message and the snapshot
is the same I already when I received a previous automated message. What is
happening? The date of this message is December 23 but the files on the ftp
server are December 11

12/11/2000 01:34a.m.      1,014,998 baselinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        656,925 idelinux.tar.gz
09/19/2000 12:58p.m.            760 readme.txt
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.         45,368 uapilinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        154,375 ubaselinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.         84,418 udblinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        429,781 ufcllinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        177,275 ugfxlinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        282,990 ugtklinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        108,689 umisclinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.         11,661 unetlinux.tar.gz
12/11/2000 01:34a.m.        701,273 utillinux.tar.gz

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