[fpc-devel]Support for 16-bit assembler ?

Davor Dundovic dundo at fly.srk.fer.hr
Sun Dec 3 23:39:49 CET 2000

>>I meant for compatibility reasons. I have a lot of assembly code built in 
>>my TPUs and it is pain in the neck to change that to 32-bit code.
>There is no way, you've to rewrite it because 32 bit protected mode uses a 
>different memory model.

OK, different question: is it possible to read/write from/to absolute 
address without generating runtime error ?

var p : ^byte;
p := $f0000000;

This program generates runtime error 216. This is, I belive, general 
protection fault.

>>BTW, I don't know if this is right mailing-list, both DOS and Windows 
>>versions of IDE are quite
>It is the right one.
>>unstable. They crash every 10 compiling or so.
>Which version do you use?

FreePascal IDE for Win32 Version 0.9.1 2000/10/12 (Compiler Version 1.0.2) 
and the DOS version is that which came in dosw32102full.zip.

I have downloaded snapshot hoping some of the problems would be solved so 
current version is
        FreePascal IDE for Dos
       Version 0.9.1 2000/12/03
        (Compiler Version 1.1)
      (Debugger GDB 4.18.pas.b1)

I'm having some problems with these snapshots. First of all what files do I 
need. Is it sufficient to DL basego32.zip, idego32.zip, basew32.zip and 
idew32.zip ?  Also basew32.zip and idew32.zip downloaded from site in 
Germany had errors and could not be unpacked. I don't know if the problem 
is on my side.

I have already submitted two bug reports.

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