[fpc-pascal] Tdbf Memo Field Issue, 2.6.2 vs 2.6.4

David Copeland david.copeland at jsidata.ca
Thu Jun 12 20:37:59 CEST 2014


I think this is a bug

I wrote a simple program using Tdbf to export a dBase IV/w. Memo file to
a csv file. Accessing the memo field with
FieldByName("MEMOFIELD").AsString works fine on one machine but not a

The first machine runs Suse 12.3 64-bit, with FPC 2.6.2 [2013/03/17] for
x86_64. My program work on this machine.

The second machine run Suse 13.1 64-bit wirh FPC 2.6.4 [2014/03/07] for
x86_64. On this machine AsString seems to return the whole block
including the 8 bytes of "control" info at the start of the memo file
block, first first 4 being $FF $FF $80 $00, and the second 4 being what
I can see is an offset to the end of the actual string.

I tried looking at the differences between the dbase code in the RTL but
could not see anything that would explain the difference in behaviour.

Added to the Bug tracker as Issue 26332.

Dave Copeland.

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