[fpc-pascal] Printing object

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Jun 7 22:29:39 CEST 2014

On Sat, 7 Jun 2014, Krzysztof wrote:

> 2014-06-07 16:49 GMT+02:00 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
>       On Sat, 7 Jun 2014, Krzysztof wrote:
>             Hi,
>             I need to analyze a lot of big objects (a lot of properties, global vars etc). Looking for easy way to
>             print object info in
>             format:
>             TObject
>               Property/VarName = value
>             end;
>             It should also step into subobjects. Looking at typeinfo but can't find method for this.
> This is done in classes unit. It requires a tcomponent, though.
> the jsonrtti and rttiutils also can do this.
> Thank you Michael.  fpjsonrtti seems to be exactly what I need, but too bad that it handle only published properties, not public
> :/

That information is simply not available.

>. Maybe I say for what I need it. There is probably a bug in TIpHTMLPanel component. I have big HTML with <TABLE> . I'm
> adding new TR row on runtime by TIpHtmlNodeTR.Create(FTable). But after this HTML is not rendered correctly (more specifically,
> all TR rows are "losing" align and valign properties in final render, but they are not modified). Seems like adding new row is
> modyfing other TIpHtmlNode objects. I can't find this by debugging. If you se at source, TIpHtmlNodeTR is descendant of many
> other nodes, a bunch of properties and subobjects. So what I want to do is enumerate all HTML nodes and create "dump" of
> properties before and after adding new node and compare result in kdiff for example.

Sorry, I've never used this component, so I'm afraid I'm not of help here :(


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