[fpc-pascal] FCGI TRequest URI

Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis d.ioannidis at nephelae.eu
Fri Jun 6 12:08:36 CEST 2014


Στις 30/5/2014 1:09 μμ, ο/η Michael Van Canneyt έγραψε:
> Normally, it should be read from the REQUEST_URI environment variable.

AFAIU, the URI property of the TRequest in the HTTPDefs unit, get's it's 
value from the command value when the fcgi app is started from web server .

My problem is that, i'm using my fcgi app as an external cgi server, and 
in this case the URI property is empty string. Investigating the fcgi 
protocol i see the REQUEST_URI param and i can confirm that it exists in 
the FCGIParams list.

Do i miss something ?


Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis

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