[fpc-pascal] can someone please email me a zipped hello world binary program MIPS big endian for testing on my MIPS hardware?

Dennis Poon dennis at avidsoft.com.hk
Thu Jun 13 04:01:07 CEST 2013

Yes, please kindly send both test executables to me.
Also, if you say the compiler has changed since last christmas, do you 
know how  I can download the fpc sources version of last christmas?

Thanks a lot.


Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Dennis Poon wrote:
>> Since I have spent days but still cannot produce a helloworld binary 
>> for MIPS big endian, I need someone to to produce that for me so I can
>> test it on my MIPS hardware.
>> I need to know at this stage whether a FPC produced program compiled 
>> for MIPS (big endian) can actually run on my hardware.
>> If that result is negative, I shall need a totally different approach.
> I've just checked and I have big- and little-endian "Hello, World!" 
> programs natively-compiled that run on Debian Linux on Qemu. I can 
> send either or both if it would help, but I'd caution that they date 
> back to around Xmas last year and something /could/ have changed with 
> the compiler since.
> Big endian (on appropriate system):
> $ file test
> test: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-II version 1 (SYSV), 
> statically linked, stripped
> $ ./test
> Hello, World!
> Little endian (on appropriate system):
> $ file test
> test: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-II version 1 (SYSV), 
> statically linked, stripped
> $ ./test
> Hello, World!
> /But/ I've got a vague recollection that somebody else had problems 
> running on some router or other, which is one of the reasons why I 
> fired things up at the end of last year and did some careful builds. I 
> can't remember exactly where that one got to- I suggest that you look 
> back through the fpc-devel and fpc-pascal archive.
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