[fpc-pascal] Some RTL functions cry big tears when mixing Pchar and Ansistring/String

md at rpzdesign.com md at rpzdesign.com
Tue Jun 11 15:45:09 CEST 2013

Oops, those parameters for Posex were backwards:

res := PosEx('NEEDLE',mypchar,35) ;

On 6/11/2013 7:10 AM, md at rpzdesign.com wrote:
> To Marco and Jeppe:
> As for 2 examples:
> res := PosEx(mypchar,'NEEDLE',35) ;
> res := Copy (mypchar, 10,15) ;
> What are the byte boundaries here?
> Zero Based from the pointer?
> 1 Based from the pointer?
> As far as behavior, it would throw the program in unstable land over 
> time and gdb
> would show worthless garbage on Backtrace with a stack that was 
> totally upside down.
> When I stumbled across these calls and cleaned them up to keep pchar 
> and ansistring operations
> clearly separate, magically, stability returned to my program.
> The reason I posted this to the list is that it is my responsibility 
> to the community to raise
> the chatter, even though I cannot right now produce a working sample 
> to reproduce the bug.
> I absolutely love the combination of Lazarus 1.08/FPC 2.6.2. Awesome, 
> awesome, awesome.
> My productivity just went up 10x.
> And we get Mac OSX targets, IOS targets, and Android NDK targets!
> Cheers,
> md
> jeppe at j-software.dk
> Could you maybe describe this weird, erratic behavior?
> On 6/11/2013 12:58 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
>> In our previous episode, md at rpzdesign.com said:
>>> Passing a Pchar gives weird, erratic behavior
>> Please make minimal examples in a few lines, and add them to the 
>> bugtracker.
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