[fpc-pascal] Placing binary data (resources) in object files?

Rainer Stratmann rainerstratmann at t-online.de
Mon Jun 3 19:13:09 CEST 2013

For me this seems (too) complicated to do an easy thing (including some data).

 On Monday 03 June 2013 18:51:59 you wrote:
> Wow, thanks for all the interesting replies. In the mean time here is what
> I came up with:
>  ld -r -b binary -o binary.o helloworld.txt
> #include <stdint.h>
> extern char _binary_helloworld_txt_start[];
> extern char _binary_helloworld_txt_end[];
> void* helloworld(uintptr_t* i) {
> uintptr_t a = (uintptr_t)&_binary_helloworld_txt_start;
> uintptr_t b = (uintptr_t)&_binary_helloworld_txt_end;
> (*i) = b - a;
> return &_binary_helloworld_txt_start;
> }
> gcc -c -o test.o test.c
> ar rcs libtest.a test.o binary.o
> program testresources;
> type
>   TExternResource = function(out Size: UIntPtr): Pointer;
> function ResString(Res: TExternResource): string;
> var
>   P: Pointer;
>   I: UIntPtr;
> begin
>   P := Res(I);
>   SetLength(Result, I);
>   Move(PChar(P)[0], PChar(Result)[0], I);
> end;
> function helloworld(out Size: UIntPtr): Pointer; cdecl; external;
> {$linklib test}
> var
>   S: string;
> begin
>   S := ResString(@helloworld);
>   WriteLn(S);
> end. 

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