[fpc-pascal] FPC to create PHP extensions for Linux - GOTCHA

md at rpzdesign.com md at rpzdesign.com
Sun Jun 2 20:37:48 CEST 2013

For anybody that is working on getting PHP extensions built using 

I have some gotchas you may want to know about.

The with strategy of avoiding porting the PHP header files into pascal, 
I am building a .SO library
for linux so that my PHP binaries can link to it by using a quick and 
dirty C wrapper to
get access to the pascal library.

One of my extensions that I am building in freepascal also uses
the {$L } linker command to include some c based object files into the 
free pascal
shared library.

The trick to compiling the c based object files is to make sure that you 
a special compile script that will include the -fPIC compile option when 
building the object

Normally, I can just run make on whatever c project and build the object 
but to link those object files into a freepascal library, you must also 
make the object
files get position independent code or the linker inside 
Lazarus/freepascal goes bonkers.

Just an FYI for anybody who comes across this post in history.


On 6/2/2013 7:04 AM, md at rpzdesign.com wrote:
> Ok:
> After a night of dwelling on the problem, the easiest solution is to 
> create
> your linux dynamic libraries as a standalone separate lib.so library 
> in free pascal
> and then use C to create the php extension and link it to the 
> freepascal library.
> Trying to keep up with all of the PHP headers is a real pain in the 
> ass so just
> use the extension environment to wrap the Pascal library is the best way.
> This is identical to the mysqli interface where the extension links in 
> the libmysqlclient.so.xx library
> into the php binary.
> Hope this helps anyone doing this sort of thing.
> md
> On 6/1/2013 6:45 PM, md at rpzdesign.com wrote:
>> Anybody have an opinion about writing dynamic extensions for PHP in 
>> free pascal?
>> The samples and discussion at:
>> http://community.freepascal.org/bboards/message?message_id=342130&forum_id=24082 
>> Indicates PHPToolkit, but all of the definitions inside these file 
>> are way out of date.
>> My current PHP version is 5.4.10 and the compiler directives deal 
>> with 5.2.x at the highest.
>> And the API version is 2001xxxx while the current is 20100525 and 
>> higher.
>> So either I have to inspect the header files in PHP to see what 
>> changes have been made
>> and then do a bunch of testing on struct sizes so I have the header 
>> files ported correctly.
>> And it also does not seem to handle 64 bit linux that well since 
>> there are a lot of records with
>> Word sizes (16 bit) but I need unsigned long int values. (Cardinal)
>> So if anybody has done anything recent with this on a more recent 
>> version of PHP, pass along
>> a shout out.
>> Thanks for any answer,
>> md
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