[fpc-pascal] Externalization and inclusion of .PAS files (with GTK+) ?

ik idokan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 12:39:48 CET 2008

Please don't think in PHP or C when you use Pascal... in C the
compiler passes multiple times to be able to map between every line of
code and locate things on other includes.

The pascal's compiler does not include full units inside a big unit.
it includes sub implementations:


  MyInt = type longint;

// end of  include file


unit main;
{$include types.inc}


Please note that if you place things out of order, that is
include/declear a function before you included types, and that
function uses MyInt, the compiler will not be able to find the type
you wish to use.


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:22 PM, T. Guilleminot <tom at guilleminot.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'd like to simplify my programs by creating a short MAIN.PAS file and
>  several additional .PAS files called inside.
>  So I'd like to deport most of my code (procedures, functions...) to these
>  external .pas files and include them into the main.pas, a kind of
>  "include"-like in PHP.
>  I browsed the doc but between the "{$INCLUDE myfile1.pas}", the "uses"
>  clause (...) I'm quite lost and it has never worked for me yet.
>  As I code with GTK+ binding I also get GTK objects problem (eg : "unknown
>  object"...).
>  Does anyone able to provide me a simple example to achieve this ?
>  Thanks for any answer.
>  Tom
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