[fpc-pascal] Win32 DLL problem / VST audio plugin

chromdildo chromdildo at t-online.de
Sat Jan 15 13:06:37 CET 2005

Hi everybody,

I got a problem compiling a win32 DLLs with latest fpc/lazarus.

The DLL is a VST-Plugin, using the Delphi template from 
exporting just one function "main", working perfectly under Delphi.

The only thing I found on the net was:
Three years old. And doesnt work.

I checked (MS DLL dependency walker) the linked DLL (extremely big: 4,5 
MB compared to same compiled under Delphi: 400kB) with correctly 
exported function "main" (only if *NOT* smart linkable -CX) and noticed 
a wrong Link checksum (compared to real checksum)....

No need to mention: the linked DLL doesnt work under any host...

I think this got something to do with the right compiler switches for 
static/dynamic librarys... But no way...

AND PLEASE: Dont tell me to use the original Delphi, I know there are 
free PE versions ... I finally want it to compile on a MAC, too!
Please, if you got any suggestions...

Thanks for your reply. And best regards.


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