[fpc-devel] Update on DWARF property spec

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Sep 30 22:47:43 CEST 2024

I just got an update on the Dwarf mailing list on how the property spec 
my look.

I thought I forward it here, in order to get additional feedback.

My initial proposal can be found here: 
My reply is here: 

I commented on

- properties forwarding to field in record
   TMyClass = class
     FData: TMyRecord;
     property ValA: integer read FData.a;

- DW_AT_Type can be optional / same as getter/setter

- clarification on function parameters

- oxygene different visibility for read/write

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Dwarf-discuss] Proposal: Add support for "property" with 
getter/setter (based on Pascal properties)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 10:30:30 -0700
From: Adrian Prantl <aprantl at apple.com>
To: Martin <lists at mfriebe.de>
CC: dwarf-discuss at lists.dwarfstd.org, Augusto Noronha 
<anoronha at apple.com>, Michael Buch <m_buch at apple.com>

Hello Martin,

sorry for the long delay for getting back to you. The DWARF committee 
was on hiatus over the summer but we're resuming regular meetings now 
and I would like to prepare this issue for discussion now.

I have tried to remove everything from the proposal that could be 
considered an implementation detail of the Pascal compiler. DWARF tries 
to be descriptive, and not prescriptive in its approach so I'm 
intentionally leaving freedom for languages to pick the right 
representation using the framework specified in the standard. Below is 
my suggestion of what the wording could look like.

The wording I chose would also work with Objective-C and Swift 
properties. To fully represent Objective-C properties we also need the 
DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute extension to encode language-specific 
flags, but I think I'd fine with just keeping this as an extension for now.

Please let me know if I am missing any important use-cases that you 
could not describe in the Pascal compiler following this specification, 
if there are any mistakes in it, or if there are Pascal-specific details 
we should really move into the DWARF spec itself instead of leaving them 
as an implementation detail to the compiler/debugger.


PS: One thing I left out is DW_AT_Property_Object. It wasn't clear to me 
why this wouldn't always be the address of the parent object of the 

# Proposal to implement "properties" (based on Pascal)

## Background

Pascal has a property construct, that allows a "variable like" 
identifier, which can either point to a field (member variable) or a 
getter/setter function.
    TFoo = class
      FField: integer;
      function GetProp: integer;
      procedure SetProp(AVal: Integer);
      property MyProp: integer read GetProp write SetProp;
      property MyOtherProp: integer read FField;
* Properties can exist in a structure, interface, or on a global level.
* Properties can be read/write, read only, write only.
* Properties can have one or more array like indexes (of any type).
    function GetProp(AIdx:word; AIdx2: boolean): integer;
    procedure SetProp(AIdx:word; AIdx2: boolean; AVal: Integer);
    property MyProp[AIdx:word; AIdx2: boolean]: integer read GetProp 
write SetProp;
* Properties can share a method, and provide an index (constant) to 
identify which property called the method.
    function GetProp(AIndex: Integer): integer;
    procedure SetProp(AIndex: Integer; AValue: integer);
    property MyProp1: integer index 1 read GetProp write SetProp;
    property MyProp2: integer index 2 read GetProp write SetProp;
* Properties can have a "default" flag, indicating that the array [] 
access can omit the property name. I.e. accessing "Object[n]" is a 
shortcut for the default property. (default for non-array properties is 
being considered for future addition)
* Properties can have "default" and "stored" values for streaming 
(constant or via function).
* Properties can be elevated to a higher visibility (private/public) in 
inherited classes.

There may be partial overlaps with properties in Objective-C and C#

### References

FreePascal property doc 
Oxygene https://docs.elementscompiler.com/Oxygene/Members/Properties/
APPLE extension for Objective-C 

## Proposed Changes

### Table 2.1
add `DW_TAG_property`.

### 5.7.6 add the following normative text

#### `DW_TAG_property`

Non-normative: Many object-oriented languages like Pascal and 
Objective-C have properties, which are member functions that 
syntactically behave like data members of an object. Pascal can also 
have global properties.

A property is represented by a debugging information entry with the
tag `DW_TAG_property`. At property entry has a `DW_AT_name` string
attribute whose value is the property name. A property entry has a
`DW_AT_type` attribute to denote the type of that property.

A property may have `DW_AT_Accessibility`, `DW_AT_external`, 
`DW_AT_virtuality`, `DW_AT_start_scope`, `DW_AT_decl_column`, 
`DW_AT_decl_file` and `DW_AT_decl_line` attributes with the respective 
semantics described for these attributes for `DW_TAG_member` (see chaper 

A property may have one or several of `DW_TAG_property_getter`, 
`DW_TAG_property_setter`, or `DW_TAG_property_stored` children to 
represent the getter and setter (member) functions, or the Pascal-style 
`stored` accessor for this property. Each of these tags have a 
`DW_AT_specification` attribute to point to a (member) function 
declaration. They may also have `DW_TAG_formal_parameter` children that 
can have `DW_AT_default_value` attributes to declare additional default 
arguments for when these functions are used as property accessors.
Some languages can automatically derive accessors for properties from a 
field in the object. In such cases the `DW_AT_specification` attribute 
of the accessor entry may point to the `DW_TAG_member` entry of the 
field that holds the properties underlying storage.

To change the accessibility of a property in an inherited class, a 
`DW_TAG_property` can be specified with just a name and accessibility.
For example if in a subclass property a becomes private it is sufficient 
to add the following to the subclass entry:
      DW_AT_name            "a"
      DW_AT_accessibility   DW_ACCESS_private

### D Examples


#### Properties

The properties in the Pascal object in this example is represented by 
the following DWARF.
TClass = class
      FField: integer;
      function GetProp: integer;
      procedure SetProp(AVal: Integer);
      property MyProp: integer read GetProp write SetProp;
      property MyOtherProp: integer read FField;
      function GetFoo(x: word; AIndex: Integer): char;
      property Foo[x: word]: char index 1 read GetFoo;


   DW_AT_name "TClass"
     DW_AT_name "FField"
     DW_AT_type <ref to integer>
     DW_AT_name "GetProp"
     DW_AT_name "SetProp"
     DW_AT_name "MyProp"
       DW_AT_specification <ref to GetProp>
       DW_AT_specification <ref to SetProp>

     DW_AT_name "MyOtherProp"
       DW_AT_specification <ref to FField>

     DW_AT_name "GetFoo"

     DW_AT_name "Foo"

       DW_AT_specification <ref to GetFoo>
        DW_TAG_formal_parameter  ; _this (no default specified, details 
inherited from GetFoo
            DW_AT_default_value <DW_OP_lit 1> ; property index
        DW_TAG_formal_parameter  ; x (no default specified)
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