[fpc-devel] Thread and process count during compilation?

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Nov 12 11:12:33 CET 2024

Following up some question on the forum:

I wanted to confirm one of my assumptions.

If I start compiling a project (on any single file which could be 
program or library or unit, and could use other units that need to be 
compiled for it).

So if I run one instance of fpc
   fpc -options  ONE_FILENAME

Then I should expect 2 processes, each process with one single thread?
One process for fpc
One process for the target specific ppc___

And that is all?
The one ppc will go through all the units needed?
Or will it launch further ppc processes? (which would need to make sure 
that they don't eventually launch 2 ppc processes for one file 
recursively used via multiple of the primary used units)

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