[fpc-devel] Issue in FPDOC Editor or Makeskel?

Zeljko Avramovic avra at writeme.com
Mon Mar 28 14:38:57 CEST 2022

> > I have already opened and issue for Lazarus FPDOC Editor, but now I am not sure if that should be fixed in FPDOC Editor or Makeskel tool so I would appreciate an advice so that I can change bug report if needed.
> >
> > Basically, FPDOC Editor in Lazarus does not recognize record helper method
> > "SomeRecord.SomeMethod" element generated with Makeskel in XML.  Instead
> > it creates it's own new XML element adding prefix "class operator " so we
> > get new element "class operator SomeRecord.SomeMethod".
> Seems really like a fpdoc editor problem.
> Simply
> <element name="SomeRecord.SomeMethod">
> </element>
> is correct from a makeskel/fpdoc engine point of view.

Thanks, that's the info I needed - so bug report will stay addressed to FPDOC editor as it is now.

Anyway, meantime I found out that FPDOC expects "class operator " prefix to Initialize() method name causing the described problem. Other plain record helper methods are fine.

I don't know why, but forwarding to fpc-other was not successful (double checked everything), so I was forced to reply here. Sorry again.

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