[fpc-devel] Public access of FPC features and settings

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Mar 9 23:41:48 CET 2021

On Tue, 9 Mar 2021, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-devel wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2021, Florian Klämpfl via fpc-devel wrote:
>>> Since we write the resource strings in JSON, and XML is meanwhile all but
>>> replaced by JSON, I think it would be much better to write JSON ?
>> The compiler writes the node tree already as XML, so I thought XML might be 
>> the better choice?
> The node tree is not for public use. The resource string files are, and this 
> is too...
>> Despite the fact that I really dislike json for two reasons: it reminds me 
>> of JS and C; ad hoc writing is annoying due to the comma being a separator 
>> and no trailing commas after the last value being allowed.
> Well, then it means pas2js will unfortunately not follow FPC in this; if 
> anything it will write JSON, because it already writes everything else in 

Just to show this is not an exaggerated statement, 
pas2js can also output the compiler messages itself as JSON for easier
{ "message" : "Using unit path: \"/Users/michael/pas2js/packages/rtl\"", "line" : 0, "col" : 0, "number" : 104, "filename" : "", "type" : "Info" }
{ "message" : "Output file: \"\"", "line" : 0, "col" : 0, "number" : 106, "filename" : "", "type" : "Info" }
{ "message" : "Fatal: parameter a.pp: Pascal file not found: \"/Volumes/Development/michael/a.pp\"", "line" : 0, "col" : 0, "number" : 0, "filename" : "", "type" : "Info" }

(I believe the TMS Web core compiler uses this format to convert it to a
delphi-understandable format))


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