[fpc-devel] Linux Binary - Socket Output affected by SystemCtl, HELP!

Ozz Nixon ozznixon at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 14:54:24 CET 2020

Would/Could, LANG/LOCALE affect socket output?

* I personally do not touch environment variables - so I am not sure what
to ever try. The "client" (Telnet) I have tried Terminal.App, iTerm2,
Putty.exe, Telnet.exe, xTerm-256, fTelnet, etc. all clients on all 3 OSes
render '?' from the daemon if systemctl starts it, again, if I just start
the fpc binary from a shell'd session, ./program - it works fine on all 3
OSes that previously show '?'. I have tcpdump'd the socket, it sends '?'
when ran under systemctl, however, sends the 8bit character when ran
manually on the command line.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 7:39 AM Marco van de Voort <
core at pascalprogramming.org> wrote:

> Op 29/01/2020 om 14:23 schreef Ozz Nixon via fpc-devel:
> I am not sure how this is occurring, however, my socket daemon on Linux -
> is launched by hand ./program is able to send to the socket:
> Socket.Write(#218+#196+#191);
> And the terminal (any) will display the single highbit characters.
> If systemctl start myprogram... that same call sends '???'. Same binary,
> not recompiled or anything. Then I do systemctl stop myprogram, and
> ./program connect to it, and I get the single highbit characters again.
> I have googled everything I could think of for FPC and SYSTEMCTL, to see
> if either have documented this - without success. Since you guys know what
> the compiler is producing, and all these tricks you guys do for UTF8,
> CP437, etc... I decided to give up and ask you guys - any idea what is
> going on?
> * The other challenge is, this just started a week ago. the
> myprogram.service file has not been modified, nothing for the OS had been
> modified, I just noticed one day - the code I use for UTF8 auto detection
> was showing ???? ... and then ran my 8bit test, and noticed ever character
> 0x80+ displays as '?'.
> LANG or LOCALE environment variables ?
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