[fpc-devel] 68k question

Marcus Sackrow alb42 at web.de
Mon Dec 21 20:50:45 CET 2020


no, nothing special the server just do a

make distclean
make distclean
echo '###### start AMIGA making 68020'
make zipinstall PACKDIR=/tmp/jenkins-FPC_m68k-amiga-6948 OS_TARGET=amiga CPU_TARGET=m68k 'CROSSOPT=-Avasm -XV -Cp68020'

but the CPU options should do no difference because atari is compiled
for 68000 and shows the same error

maybe the starting compiler is different?

the build server uses 3.2.0 as starting compiler


Am 21.12.20 um 20:32 schrieb J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel:
> So far under Windows, it compiled successfully:
> make crossinstall CPU_TARGET=m68k OS_TARGET=amiga CROSSOPT="-Avasm
> -XV"
> CROSSBINDIR=C:\Users\garet\Documents\programming\fpc\VasmVLinkforFPCWin32
> Is there anything particular that I need to do?
> Gareth aka. Kit
> On 21/12/2020 18:44, Marcus Sackrow via fpc-devel wrote:
>> Hi Gareth,
>> btw it was catched by the build server
>> http://build.alb42.de:8080/job/FPC_m68k-amiga/6948/console
>> http://build.alb42.de:8080/job/FPC_m68k-atari/6659/console
>> http://build.alb42.de:8080/job/FPC_m68k-linux/6941/console
>> you can see if you get the same error message
>> Good luck.
>> Am 21.12.20 um 19:40 schrieb J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel:
>>> That should be fine - thanks Marcus.  I need to reproduce the internal
>>> error that's being reported, and so I can compare the disassembly of
>>> ppcross68k to see where my optimisation is going wrong.
>>> Gareth aka. Kit
>>> On 21/12/2020 18:29, Marcus Sackrow via fpc-devel wrote:
>>>> Hi Graeth,
>>>> Am 21.12.20 um 19:01 schrieb J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel:
>>>>> I need to fix a bug with one of my optimisations that causes
>>>>> ppcross68k to raise an internal error.  What target platform should I
>>>>> specify (cross-building from x86_64-win64)?
>>>> for example your could compile for m68k-amiga with
>>>> make crossall OS_TARGET=amiga CPU_TARGET=m68k CROSSOPT="-Avasm -XV"
>>>> you will need vasm and vlink (assembler and linker) I created them
>>>> once
>>>> already
>>>> you can download them here
>>>> http://build.alb42.de/fpcbinint/VasmVLinkforFPCWin32.zip
>>>> is that what you mean?
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> Marcus
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