[fpc-devel] inline... and philosophy

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Fri Nov 8 11:20:24 CET 2019

On 08/11/2019 09:49, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
> ...
> The compiler is compiled multiple times anyway when bootstrapping and 
> the need for the scripting there is not only the WPO, but the repeated 
> compilation of RTL and compiler.
> Also the compiler's infrastructure is currently not geared towards 
> repeated compilations in the same process. Yes, the textmode IDE 
> essentially does that, but all it does is call the compile() function. 
> For WPO that would need to happen *inside* that function.
> Regards,
> Sven

What's stopping that? It seems like a relatively straightforward 
implementation if possibly a little clumsy with the WPO files. Granted, 
something cleaner (e.g. not linking on the first pass) might take a 
minor overhaul.

Gareth aka. Kit

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