[fpc-devel] Some thoughts on multi-line string support, and a possible syntax that I think is perfectly clean and Pascal-ish.

Marco van de Voort fpc at pascalprogramming.org
Thu Jul 4 14:27:11 CEST 2019

Op 2019-07-04 om 14:22 schreef Sven Barth via fpc-devel:
> We agree on the multiline strings.
> So regarding comments you only meant the nesting support and not 
> multiline comments in general? Cause that's what it sounded like... 
> (Note: I myself definitely like that nesting support)
I didn't mean multiline comments.  As for that: there are advantages to 
either (Delphi: never have to rebalance, FPC/nested: easier to comment 
block with comments in it), don't care much which actually.

(if you dislike "I hate mode objfpc rants", look away now)

Except of course that having both is worse than either. You get 
codebases (sometimes even in one project, since it is a per unit 
setting) in both varieties, and constantly have to rethink in which mode 
you are in.

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