[fpc-devel] Kit's ambitions!
David Pethes
public at satd.sk
Thu May 17 22:32:06 CEST 2018
On 17. 5. 2018 0:56, Wolf wrote:
> On 14/05/2018 04:30, David Pethes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would welcome inlining of (simple) asm routines.
> I do not know what you consider to be the existing obstacles to inlining
> assembler routines.
That this doesn't get inlined :) (FPC trunk, few weeks old, Win64)
function do_bextr(bits, extr: integer): integer; assembler;
nostackframe; inline;
bextr eax, ecx, edx
As per your advice (if I get it correctly) this doesn't either:
function do_bextr(bits, extr: integer): integer; inline;
var foo:integer;
mov ecx, bits
mov edx, extr
bextr eax, ecx, edx
mov foo, eax
end['rax', 'rcx', 'rdx'];
result := foo;
Ad your measurement function - looks complicated, but I don't know
what's the scenario. Though if you're already at the level of measuring
ticks and the function doesn't take more than few 100s of thousands of
ticks, rdtsc is ok. Also, be sure to measure in the real program as well
- measuring and optimizing in isolation under different conditions can
be misguiding.
FFmpeg used something like this:
https://github.com/dpethes/fevh264/blob/master/core/bench.inc - place
start/stop_timer around your measured function and run at least few
hundreds of runs, until it stabilizes. It skips some outliers, which
your code seems to do as well, but under different conditions.
Advantages: dead simple, easy to integrate
Disadv.: no instruction serialization (cpuid)
So it's good for relative comparisons (did I make the function
faster/slower?), but not for absolute tick count (how many ticks does
this _precisely_ take?).
On 17. 5. 2018 0:56, Wolf wrote:
> On 14/05/2018 04:30, David Pethes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would welcome inlining of (simple) asm routines.
> I do not know what you consider to be the existing obstacles to inlining
> assembler routines. What I do know is that in the attached program,
> inlining does work. It summarises my (current) understanding of how to
> measure time with nanosecond reliability
> (asking for time via the Linux function "if
> clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, @ts)=0 then" does indeed return
> nanoseconds, but takes some 270 ns (or about 1000 clock ticks) to
> execute and thus does not produce nanosecond reliability)
> but repeated measurements do not produce the same output, and therefore
> my little program does not have the reliability I want. Statistical
> processing does something to improve the situation, but not quite what I
> want.
> What I can say about inlining assembler routines is this: if the
> variables onto which registers are to be saved are on the stack, they
> can be inlined. Never mind the hints in Lazarus' message pane. Take the
> /function GetProcessorUsed: longint; inline;//
> //var//
> // ProcUsed: longint;//
> //begin//
> // asm//
> // CPUID//
> // .byte 0x0F, 0x01, 0xF9 // read the Time-Stamp Counter rdtscp
> (as op-code format),//
> // movl %ecx, ProcUsed // This is the processor on which
> measurements take place. Measurements on other processors are discarded.//
> // end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx'];//
> // GetProcessorUsed:=ProcUsed;//
> //end;/
> Because /ProcUsed/ is on the stack, I can move %ecx into it. But I
> cannot get %ecx directly into /GetProcessorUsed/. That requires a
> separate line of code.
> wolf
> Here is the full code, as promised. If anybody has a suggestion on how
> to improve it, please let me know, in a separate thread.
> /program Speed_Test;
> {$ASMMODE att}
> uses sysutils, Linux, math;
> type
> TtscCount = record
> Group: longint;
> Count: longint;
> CumFreq: Int64;
> end;
> type
> TCumFreq = record
> Group: longint;
> CumFreq: real;
> end;
> TCumFrequency= array of TCumFreq;
> TTimeSpec = record
> tv_sec: int64; //time_t; //Seconds
> tv_nsec: int64; //clong; //Nanoseconds
> end;
> var
> TscCount: array of TtscCount;
> Measured: TCumFrequency;
> MeasurementsToDo: int64=1000000;
> ProcessorUsed: LongInt;
> Range: array[0..9999] of longint;
> ValidMeasurements: Int64;
> function Get_ClockFreq(CPU: Char): real;
> {Since there is no way I can find to extract actual clock frequency, I
> read it from /proc/cpuinfo }
> var
> FileHandle: LongInt;
> i: integer;
> Data: ansistring;
> rc:real;
> NumRead: int64;
> Buffer : packed array[0..4095] of char;
> SourceFile: AnsiString= '/proc/cpuinfo';
> begin
> if not FileExists(SourceFile) then
> begin
> writeln('Error: Input file "',SourceFile,'" has not been found');
> halt;
> end;
> FileHandle:=FileOpen('/proc/cpuinfo',fmOpenRead);
> NumRead:=FileRead(FileHandle, Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer));
> Data:=Buffer[0..NumRead];
> i:=0;
> while i<=NumRead do
> begin
> inc(i);
> if CompareText(Data[i..i+8],'Processor')=0 then
> begin
> if char(Data[i+12])=CPU then
> begin
> i:=i+12;
> repeat inc(i); until CompareText(Data[i..i+6],'cpu MHz')=0 ;
> try
> rc:=StrToFloat(Data[i+11..i+18]);
> except
> on E : exception do
> begin
> writeln('Data read error: cannot convert
> ',Data[i+11..i+18],' into number');
> writeln('Program aborted');
> halt;
> end;
> end;
> break;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> FileClose(FileHandle);
> Get_ClockFreq:=rc;
> end;
> procedure ReadProcessorFrequencyInformationLeaf; inline;
> var
> CPUID_16H_AX: Word; // Processor Base Frequency (in MHz)
> CPUID_16H_BX: Word; // Maximum Frequency (in MHz)
> CPUID_16H_CX: Word; // Bus (Reference) frequency (in MHz)
> CPUID_16H_DX: Word; // Reserved = 0
> begin
> CPUID_16H_AX:=0;
> CPUID_16H_BX:=0;
> CPUID_16H_CX:=0;
> asm
> mov $0x16, %eax // select Processor Frequency
> Information Leaf 0x16
> cpuid // access it
> mov %ax, CPUID_16H_AX // Processor Base Frequency (in MHz)
> mov %bx, CPUID_16H_BX // Maximum Frequency (in MHz)
> mov %cx, CPUID_16H_CX // Bus (Reference) frequency (in MHz)
> mov %dx, CPUID_16H_DX // Reserved = 0
> end ['ax','bx','cx','dx'];
> end;
> function GetProcessorUsed: longint; inline;
> var
> ProcUsed: longint;
> begin
> asm
> .byte 0x0F, 0x01, 0xF9 // read the Time-Stamp Counter rdtscp
> (as op-code format),
> movl %ecx, ProcUsed // This is the processor on which
> measurements take place. Measurements on other processors are discarded.
> end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx'];
> GetProcessorUsed:=ProcUsed;
> end;
> procedure MeasureCode;
> var
> ts: TTimeSpec;
> MilliSecondTime: extended;
> AX, BX, CX: Word;
> Start,Stop,i,k,l: int64; // saves starting value from the Time Stamp
> counter
> Hi: int64;
> x:real;
> y: real=2;
> ProcessorUsed_Start, ProcessorUsed_Stop, ProcUsed: longint;
> IA32_TSC_AUX_Base,IA32_TSC_AUX_Core: longint; // content of
> IA32_TSC_AUX MSR register = which CPU?
> Clock_denominator: Cardinal;
> Clock_numerator: Cardinal;
> CPUID_15H_ECX, CPUID_15H_EDX: Cardinal; // reserved = 0
> ProcessorBaseFrequency: Word;
> begin
> for i:=0 to High(Range) do Range[i]:=0;
> Start:=0; Stop:=0;
> for k:=0 to 4 do ReadProcessorFrequencyInformationLeaf; // this
> loop is just for warm-up
> ProcessorUsed:=GetProcessorUsed;
> for i:=1 to MeasurementsToDo do
> begin
> Start:=0; Stop:=0;
> asm
> cpuid // force serialization
> .byte 0x0F, 0x01, 0xF9 // read the Time-Stamp Counter rdtscp (as
> op-code format),
> movl %eax, Start+0 // save least-significant longword
> movl %edx, Start+4 // save most-significant longword
> movl %ecx, ProcessorUsed_Start
> end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx'];
> // insert instruction to be tested below this line
> if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, @ts)=0 then // return time in
> milliseconds, rounded to 1 nanosecond
> MilliSecondTime:=RoundTo(1e3*ts.tv_sec+1e-6*ts.tv_nsec,-6);
> // insert instruction to be tested above this line
> asm
> .byte 0x0F, 0x01, 0xF9 // read the Time-Stamp Counter rdtscp (as
> op-code format),
> movl %eax, Stop+0 // save least-significant longword
> movl %edx, Stop+4 // save most-significant longword
> movl %ecx, ProcessorUsed_Stop
> cpuid
> end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx'];
> if (ProcessorUsed_Start=ProcessorUsed) and
> (ProcessorUsed_Stop=ProcessorUsed) then // ignore measurements that
> were not done on ProcessorUsed
> if (Stop-Start<High(Range)) then inc(Range[Stop-Start]) else
> inc(Range[High(Range)]); // build cumulative frequency array
> end;
> end;
> function AccumulateValidMeasurements: Int64;
> var
> i: int64;
> Hi: int64;
> begin
> ValidMeasurements:=0;
> for i:=1 to High(Range) do ValidMeasurements:=ValidMeasurements+Range[i];
> AccumulateValidMeasurements:=ValidMeasurements;
> SetLength(TscCount,1);
> TscCount[0].Group:=0;
> TscCount[0].CumFreq:=Range[0];
> for i:=0 to High(Range)-1 do
> begin
> if Range[i]>0 then
> begin
> Hi:=High(TscCount)+1;
> SetLength(TscCount,Hi+1);
> TscCount[Hi].Group:=i;
> TscCount[Hi].Count:=Range[i];
> TscCount[Hi].CumFreq:=Range[i]+TscCount[Hi-1].CumFreq;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> procedure ShowMeasurements;
> var
> i: int64;
> begin
> for i:=1 to High(TscCount) do
> begin
> writeln(TscCount[i].Group,' ',TscCount[i].Count,'
> ',TscCount[i].CumFreq,' ',100*Measured[i].CumFreq:6:3);
> if Measured[i].Cumfreq>0.999 then exit;
> end;
> end;
> procedure EvaluateMeasurements;
> var
> i: int64;
> begin
> SetLength(Measured,Length(TscCount));
> Measured[0].Group:=0;
> Measured[0].CumFreq:=TscCount[0].CumFreq/ValidMeasurements;
> for i:=0 to High(TscCount) do
> begin
> Measured[i].Group:=TscCount[i].Group;
> Measured[i].CumFreq:=TscCount[i].Cumfreq/ValidMeasurements;
> end;
> end;
> function Limit(CF: TCumFrequency; Frequency: real):real; // do linear
> interpolation between two points of cumulative frequency curve
> var
> i: int64;
> Slope,Intercept: real;
> begin
> i:=0;
> while (CF[i].CumFreq<= Frequency) do inc(i);
> Intercept:=(CF[i-1].Group*CF[i].CumFreq-CF[i].Group*CF[i-1].CumFreq)
> /(CF[i].CumFreq-CF[i-1].CumFreq);
> Slope:=(CF[i].Group-CF[i-1].Group)/(CF[i].CumFreq-CF[i-1].CumFreq);
> Limit:=Frequency*Slope+Intercept;
> end;
> procedure Difference;
> begin
> writeln;
> writeln('Clock ticks used: ');
> writeln('1% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.01):6:2);
> writeln('5% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.05):6:2);
> writeln('20% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.20):6:2);
> writeln('Median=',Limit(Measured,0.50):6:2);
> writeln('80% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.80):6:2);
> writeln('95% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.95):6:2);
> writeln('99% Limit=',Limit(Measured,0.99):6:2);
> end;
> begin
> // taskset -c 1; // taskset allows to change processor,
> if used from the command line
> MeasureCode;
> ValidMeasurements:=AccumulateValidMeasurements; //
> writeln('Tests done on processor ',ProcessorUsed,', running at
> ',Get_ClockFreq(IntToStr(ProcessorUsed)[1]):7:3,'MHz',' doing
> ',ValidMeasurements,' valid measurements'); //
> EvaluateMeasurements;
> ShowMeasurements;
> Difference;
> end./
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