[fpc-devel] x86_64 Optimizer Overhaul

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Sun Dec 9 03:15:04 CET 2018

 Hmmm, that's a shame if the time difference is so small.  Up to you if
it's worth it or not.  I hoped it would be slightly better than that,
although if it's consistently faster, especially with large projects, then
it's a winner in my eyes.  Fingers crossed!

 Gareth aka. Kit

 On Sun 09/12/18 03:10 , "Ryan Joseph" ryan at thealchemistguild.com sent:
 Got everything building finally but the time difference is so small I'll
need to make a script to compile multiple times and average all the runs.
Is it even worth the time doing that? 

 Ryan Joseph 

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