[fpc-devel] BacktraceStrFunc on linux x86_64?

Nikolai Zhubr n-a-zhubr at yandex.ru
Mon May 1 11:01:24 CEST 2017

01.05.2017 11:46, Florian Klämpfl:
>> And I'm still getting just an address anyway...
> 3.0.x is broken in this regard (stack back trace on x86-64 elf targets), see other threads on the
> fpc mailing lists regarding this. This is why we discussing a quick as possibile 3.0.4 release.

Ah, ok. Couldn't find any mentions of the issue (bad googling or 
whatever) but anyway I'll probably have to wait for 3.0.4 then.

Thank you,

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