[fpc-devel] ANN: Management operators - final patch

Paul Ishenin paul.ishenin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 02:54:34 CET 2016

21.11.2016 8:16, Maciej Izak wrote:

Overall you've made a great job and a perfect example of how to supply 
patches for FPC.

I have a small question regards the following commit:
> 13. 
> https://github.com/maciej-izak/freepascal/commit/9baa32a49a204686427981d33c9054f64b2057c4

Use fpc_Copy for Clone and fpc_Addref for Copy is misleading.

I know Florian insisted on Copy and Clone names but still for my taste 
it would be the best to have conformity between compiler and RTL.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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