[fpc-devel] Purpose of AutoEdit property of StringGrid

Jesus Reyes A. jesusrmx at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 19:29:55 CEST 2016

On Mon, 18 Jul 2016 09:42:04 -0500, Чернов Дмитрий <blackdoomer at yandex.ru>  
>Thanks for answer, but I'm familiar enough with FPC/Lazarus, so I know  
> about editors in grids.
> My question is about necessity of AutoEdit property in the presence of  
> goAlwaysShowEditor option.
> Dmitry D. Chernov

"About necessity of AutoEdit property in presence of goAlwaysShowEditor"  
.... , There is no such necessity, why do you think that there is a  
necessity?. Obviously AutoEdit only works when goAlwaysShowEditor=false as  
I tried to explain in my previous reply, if AutoEdit has any effect when  
goAlwaysShowEditor is true, then you have found a bug.

Jesus Reyes A.
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