[fpc-devel] Support needed in understanding some heap.inc related stuff

Lag Programming lagprogramming at aim.com
Sun Sep 28 16:45:06 CEST 2014

   Hi! I need some help in understanding three things viewed in heap.inc.

1) Why is variable "heap_lock_use" declared as "integer"? Apparently this variable never gets a negative value. Also, this variable never gets used as a parameter to a function/procedure call that would require a transformation of variable content(longint to byte as example). If this variable never gets a negative value then using an unsigned integer might improve in certain circumstances a little bit the code produced because apparently fpc trunk has improved zero and near zero integer comparisons at high optimization levels. If this is the case then comparing actual "signed_integer>0" should not be faster than "unsigned_integer<>0" automatically produced code at high optimization levels. Am I wrong here? As a side note, I would prefer manually changing those ">0" with "<>0" inside "InitHeapThread", "RelocateHeap" and "FinalizeHeap" but...whatever.

2) I'm not interested in the importance of the presented function. Why the "existing" code is preferred over "alternative" code?

"Existing" code:
Function SysFreeMemSize(p: pointer; size: ptruint):ptruint;
  if size=0 then
  { can't free partial blocks, ignore size }
  result := SysFreeMem(p);

"Alternative" code:
Function SysFreeMemSize(p: pointer; size: ptruint):ptruint;
if size<>0 then SysFreeMem(p) else Result:=nil; { can't free partial blocks, ignore size }

There are two things that puzzle me:
a) The alternative code appears better to me because I think this function will have size<>0 more often than size=0. Why the existing code design was preferred?
b) As found out working at the "slow if...then...else" report, the existing of an "exit" procedure, starting with level 2 optimization, leads to different registers used within assembly code. Is this a reason why main developers use so often the "exit" procedure? Is there something that I'm missing at the moment, something like: "starting with level2 optimizations, existence of "exit" procedure in a pascal code requires additional analysis that, as a side effect, usually improve register allocation "...or whatever reason to use this procedure?

3) I'm not interested in the importance of the presented function. Why the "existing" code design is preferred over "alternative" code?

Existing code:
function SysAllocMem(size: ptruint): pointer;
  result := MemoryManager.GetMem(size);
  if result<>nil then

Alternative code:
function SysAllocMem(size: ptruint): pointer;
if result<>nil then FillChar(result^,size,0);

The only things I could find to support the "existing" code over "alternative" code are that(now or in the future):
a) Maybe there is a possibility that the value of variable size gets changed after "result:=MemoryManager.GetMem(size);"
b) Maybe there is a possibility that following "result:=MemoryManager.GetMem(size);" variable result would point to a memory block that has allocated a size different than variable "size"'s content.

   I would feel confortable if these things would be explained to me straight from the horse's mouth. Meaning people that understand the importance of the existing code, not people that would send me to find out using "try&error" techniques, as those "try&error" results would mean nothing to me regarding this subject for too many reasons to be written here.
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