[fpc-devel] Option -Wp does not work with new embedded target

Sietse Achterop s.achterop at rug.nl
Sun Nov 30 16:53:20 CET 2014

On 11/30/2014 11:55 AM, Michael Ring wrote:
> You need to change two files,
> +++ compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas    (working copy)
> +++ compiler/systems/t_embed.pas    (working copy)

   Thanks Florian van Michael,

You can find the files I changed on
There you find the above files, the Makefile.fpc from rtl/embedded and
the new files in rtl/embedded/arm.

The diff from cpuinfo.pas with current trunk is:

*** tmp/fpc/compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas	2014-11-30 11:59:12.008103356 +0100
--- fpc/compiler/arm/cpuinfo.pas	2014-11-30 11:51:10.332117439 +0100
*** 249,254 ****
--- 249,255 ----
+       ct_stm32f4xx,    // use this name for the moment

         { TI - Fury Class - 64 K Flash, 16 K SRAM Devices }
*** 617,622 ****
--- 618,627 ----
         (controllertypestr:'STM32F107VB';     controllerunitstr:'STM32F10X_CL';     flashbase:$08000000; flashsize:$00020000; srambase:$20000000; sramsize:$00010000),
         (controllertypestr:'STM32F107VC';     controllerunitstr:'STM32F10X_CL';     flashbase:$08000000; flashsize:$00040000; srambase:$20000000; sramsize:$00010000),

+       { STM32F4 series }
+       (controllertypestr:'STM32F4xx';       controllerunitstr:'STM32F4xx';   flashbase:$08000000; flashsize:$00100000; srambase:$20000000; sramsize:$00010000),
+          {  How to include CCMRAM?  : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 64K  }
         (controllertypestr:'LM3S1110';	controllerunitstr:'LM3FURY';	flashbase:$00000000;	flashsize:$00010000;	srambase:$20000000;	sramsize:$00004000),
         (controllertypestr:'LM3S1133';	controllerunitstr:'LM3FURY';	flashbase:$00000000;	flashsize:$00010000;	srambase:$20000000;	sramsize:$00004000),
         (controllertypestr:'LM3S1138';	controllerunitstr:'LM3FURY';	flashbase:$00000000;	flashsize:$00010000;	srambase:$20000000;	sramsize:$00004000),

Looks alright to me.
The diff from t_embed.pas is:

*** tmp/fpc/compiler/systems/t_embed.pas	2014-11-30 11:59:12.172103351 +0100
--- fpc/compiler/systems/t_embed.pas	2014-11-30 11:37:14.796141869 +0100
*** 401,406 ****
--- 401,407 ----
+       ct_stm32f4xx,

         { TI - 64 K Flash, 16 K SRAM Devices }

Also ok?
I think the error has to come from one of these files, not the contents of the rtl itself.
The rtl code is still rather rough, but it compiles.

> I have already done that work, I can send you a patchfile for trunk that adds the following devices:
   That would be nice,


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