[fpc-devel] test results trunk - Re: probably incorrect debug-line-info generated by fpc 2.6.2 and trunk

Pierre Free Pascal pierre at freepascal.org
Sun Jan 19 23:31:23 CET 2014

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : fpc-devel-bounces at lists.freepascal.org [mailto:fpc-devel-
> bounces at lists.freepascal.org] De la part de Martin
> Envoyé : dimanche 19 janvier 2014 18:42
> À : FPC developers' list
> Objet : [fpc-devel] test results trunk - Re: probably incorrect debug-
> line-info generated by fpc 2.6.2 and trunk
> On 19/01/2014 16:48, Martin wrote:
> >
> > (Existing tests are still running, but since this is for feedback,
> the
> > results can be submitted later)
> utils/digest output/i386-win32/log
> Total = 6874 (24:6850)
> Total number of compilations = 4177 (7:4170)
> Successfully compiled = 3146
> Successfully failed = 1024
> Compilation failures = 4
> Compilation that did not fail while they should = 3
> Total number of runs = 2697 (17:2680)
> Successful runs = 2680
> Failed runs = 17
> Number units compiled = 132
> Number program that should not be run = 314
> Number of skipped tests = 240
> Number of skipped graph tests = 10
> Number of skipped interactive tests = 30
> Number of skipped known bug tests = 6
> Number of skipped tests for other versions = 4
> Number of skipped tests for other cpus = 53
> Number of skipped tests for other targets = 137
> TRUNK with peephole change rev 26518  (12 revisions later)
> utils/digest output/i386-win32/log
> Total = 6874 (19:6855)
> Total number of compilations = 4177 (7:4170)
> Successfully compiled = 3146
> Successfully failed = 1024
> Compilation failures = 4
> Compilation that did not fail while they should = 3
> Total number of runs = 2697 (12:2685)
> Successful runs = 2685
> Failed runs = 12
> Number units compiled = 132
> Number program that should not be run = 314
> Number of skipped tests = 240
> Number of skipped graph tests = 10
> Number of skipped interactive tests = 30
> Number of skipped known bug tests = 6
> Number of skipped tests for other versions = 4
> Number of skipped tests for other cpus = 53
> Number of skipped tests for other targets = 137
> Since I have failing tests either way, it is hard to say anything about
> the change.

  Hi Martin,

  if you want to compare to test runs,
you should save at least three files at the end of each run:

The best is to first compare the two log files with
diff utility.
Inside longlog, you should be able to find more information
about the differences.

  In the hope this can help you,

Pierre Muller

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