[fpc-devel] SYSUTILS UTF8String Memory Bug
Marco van de Voort
marcov at stack.nl
Mon Aug 11 06:36:17 CEST 2014
In our previous episode, mark diener said:
> Compile Error Message:
> C:\pdev\rpzlib\rpzopsyswin32.pas(46,37) Error: range check error while
> evaluating constants
> Offending code:
> nres := ioctlsocket(socket,FIONBIO, at nblock) ;
> So my FIONBIO constant is triggering a compile time error.
> >From winsock2.pas:
> const
> FIONBIO = ULONG(IOC_IN or { set/clear non-blocking i/o }
> ((Longint(SizeOf(Longint)) and IOCPARM_MASK) shl 16) or
> (Longint(Byte('f')) shl 8) or 126);
> function ioctlsocket( const s: TSocket; cmd: Longint; argp: pu_long ):
> Longint; stdcall;external WINSOCK2_DLL name 'ioctlsocket';
You pass an unsigned ULONG (FIONBIO) constant to a signed (cmd) parameter,
so that is correct, the ranges don't match.
Also, in the constant, most of the expression is longint, while IOC_IN
($8000000) is beyond that range.
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