[fpc-devel] Is target mips-embedded possible / planned?

Michel Catudal mcatudal at comcast.net
Fri May 24 05:12:23 CEST 2013

Le 2013-05-23 03:30, Michael Schnell a écrit :
> On 05/22/2013 10:31 PM, Michel Catudal wrote:
>> Without the PE you need to program a word at a time. There is no way that you can compete in speed with Microchip's PICKit or ICD without this. 
> ... unless you recreate what the PICKit (rather the ICD3) does with a homebrew device (e.g. using PICKit hardware) and "driver" that communicates with the PC in a way you define (receiving blocks of data to be programmed) and handles the chip's interface
> appropriately.
>> Since Microchip will not release information on their proprietary debugging we need to use debugger that support MIPS debug mode. 
> Does this not help ?
> http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/51242a.pdf
> Another way (without creating hardware) would be to find out how MPLABX interfaces PICKit or ICD3. I am convinced that they do use gdb in some way, but I did not easily find out more on this.
> -Michael
>From 61132B document

To use ICD, an external system that supports ICD must load a debugger executive program into
the microcontroller. This is automatically handled by many debugger tools, such as the MPLAB
IDE. For PIC32MX devices, the program is loaded into the last page of the Boot Flash memory
space. When not debugging, the application is free to use the last page of Boot Flash Memory.

The document in question has some information on the debug registers. There is no very much but that could be a start.

The part that is installed into the processor for programming is called Programming Executive (PE) You can find the document about programming on Microchip's web site.

pic32prog does use the PE



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