[fpc-devel] RTTI for ProcVar types

Steve Hildebrandt Steve.Kassel at web.de
Sun Mar 24 21:09:23 CET 2013

Am 22.03.2013 13:19, schrieb Sven Barth:
> Am 22.03.2013 12:43, schrieb Steve Hildebrandt:
>> Am 21.03.2013 22:00, schrieb Sven Barth:
>>> On 21.03.2013 15:53, Steve Hildebrandt wrote:
>>>> Am 21.03.2013 11:51, schrieb Sven Barth:
>>>>> Out of curiosity: Why did you add this?
>>>> To implement a less "hacky" way of generic method invokation.
>>>> Supporting several calling conventions I can call a method based on 
>>>> the
>>>> address and an array of const as parameters.
>>>> Without RTTI there would've been a need for hard coded meta 
>>>> information,
>>>> wich is error prone and rather time consuming.
>>>> Since tkMethod supports RTTI any method contained in a record, class,
>>>> object would work without additional meta information.
>>> Out of interest: do you support multiple platforms? Maybe if you 
>>> want to provide your code under modified LGPL we could use it once 
>>> we have the RTTI.TValue type and the extended RTTI to support 
>>> RTTI.Invoke.
>> Sure i can provide the code. Some modifications would be needed, so 
>> it is easier to adopt it to RTTI.Invoke.
>> Regarding the platforms:
>>     Calling conventions 64bit : win64(the microsoft standart thing 
>> dunno how its called right now)
>>                                        32bit : stdcall, register.
>>     Since the inline asm code for the actual call differs depending 
>> on witch registers are used,
>>     this part can't be handled in a generic way and needs to be coded 
>> down for each convention.
>>     While passing parameters on the Stack works rather generic(well 
>> obtaining the stack pointer is the exception here).
>>      Calculation of the stack offset/used register too is dependant 
>> on the convention.
>> Hope this sums up what needs to be done to port the approach I took 
>> to all platforms supported.
> My idea for the extended RTTI was to let the compiler write out all 
> necessary information for parameter setting (and also retrieval for 
> TVirtualMethodInterceptor support) and then use some kind of mini-meta 
> assembly language to generate the final code.
The questing is what is harder to maintain a meta assembly or some asm 
snippets doing the calls and managing the stack.
> Regarding the stack pointer: 
> http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/system/sptr.html 
I did look into the sptr function but either I failed to describe what I 
need or sptr works in weird ways on win64.
I have the following pice of code the get to the offset of the first 
parameter that will be push :
// stackSize includes $20 for the shadow space and $08 for the method 
address since the stack should be 16bit aligned
     asm (INTEL ASM)
       SUB RSP, stackSize
       MOV stackPtr, RSP
     // Skip shadow space to obtain the offset
     stackPtr += $20;

Now if i replace this code with sptr like this :
     asm (INTEL ASM)
       SUB RSP, stackSize // needs to be done so the called method 
obtains a correct value from RSP
       //MOV stackPtr, RSP
     stackPtr := sptr;
     // Skip shadow space to obtain the offset
     stackPtr += $20;

I end up with different values while the first one works for my test 
cases the second one fails miserably.
Also I think using sptr won't do me much good, since I can't replace all 
platform dependant code with operations based one sptr.
(e.g. implementing the skipping of the shadow space, or reserving space 
on the stack).
>>>> I'm currently using this to call pascal procedures and use pascal
>>>> classes in LUA.
>>>>> Without you showing what you changed we can not help much...
>>>> typinfo.pp :
>>>> tkMethod, tkProcVar: // simply added tkProcVar here
>>>>                (MethodKind : TMethodKind;
>>>>                 ParamCount : Byte;
>>>>                 ParamList : array[0..1023] of Char
>>>> ncgrtti.pas:(Line 690)
>>>> procedure procvardef_rtti(def:tprocvardef);
>>>> ...
>>>> begin
>>>>    { write method id and name }
>>>>    if po_methodpointer in def.procoptions
>>>>      then write_header(def,tkMethod)
>>>>      else write_header(def,tkProcVar);
>>>>    maybe_write_align;
>>>>    ...
>>>> So that RTTI generation for tkProcVar and tkMethod would only
>>>> differentiate in the TTypeKind field.
>>> I can reproduce your problem, but I don't have a solution. At least 
>>> it is enough to only use that unit, so you could copy the unit 
>>> locally and comment everything until the problem disappears. This 
>>> way you could pinpoint what construct the problem is and then try to 
>>> fix the compiler. And if it then works without further problems we 
>>> could add this to trunk. 
>> Narrowed it down to those 2 records :
>> type
>>   jpeg_entropy_encoder = record
>>     //test.lpr(23,1) Error: Undefined symbol: RTTI_$JPEGLIB_$$_DEF2
>>     //ORIGINAL JPEGLib Line 539
>>     //parameter MCU_data leads to the error
>>     encode_mcu : function({cinfo : Pointer; }const MCU_data : array 
>> of Pointer) : boolean;
>>   end;
>>   jpeg_entropy_decoder = record
>>     //test.lpr(23,1) Error: Undefined symbol: RTTI_$JPEGLIB_$$_DEF5
>>     //ORIGINAL JPEGLib Line 655
>>     //parameter MCU_data leads to the error
>>     decode_mcu : function({cinfo : Pointer; }var MCU_data : array of 
>> Pointer) : boolean;
>>   end;
>> But here I'm lost again.
> Seems to be either related to the const/var, the open array (maybe the 
> hidden high parameter?) or a combination of both.
> You could try to debug the compiler. Simply copy the above records to 
> a program unit, load the pp.lpi (or ppcx64.lpi for 64-bit), set up the 
> run parameters and the working directory correctly (if you don't have 
> a correct configuration for 2.7.1 you should use "-n -Fu..." to find 
> the correct RTL units) and then place breakpoints in ncgrtti to check 
> whether the correct data is generated.
I fixed the issues I had with the libjpeg. Attached a patch with the 
changes I made, or should I file an issue in the bugtracker?

mfg Necem
-------------- next part --------------
Index: compiler/ncgrtti.pas
--- compiler/ncgrtti.pas	(revision 23952)
+++ compiler/ncgrtti.pas	(working copy)
@@ -687,67 +687,71 @@
           methodkind : byte;
           i : integer;
-          if po_methodpointer in def.procoptions then
-            begin
-               { write method id and name }
-               write_header(def,tkMethod);
-               maybe_write_align;
+          { write method id and name }
+          if po_methodpointer in def.procoptions
+            then write_header(def,tkMethod)
+            else
+              begin
+                write_header(def,tkProcVar);
+                if not (def.owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable, staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then exit;
+              end;
-               { write kind of method }
-               case def.proctypeoption of
-                 potype_constructor: methodkind:=mkConstructor;
-                 potype_destructor: methodkind:=mkDestructor;
-                 potype_class_constructor: methodkind:=mkClassConstructor;
-                 potype_class_destructor: methodkind:=mkClassDestructor;
-                 potype_operator: methodkind:=mkOperatorOverload;
-                 potype_procedure:
-                   if po_classmethod in def.procoptions then
-                     methodkind:=mkClassProcedure
-                   else
-                     methodkind:=mkProcedure;
-                 potype_function:
-                   if po_classmethod in def.procoptions then
-                     methodkind:=mkClassFunction
-                   else
-                     methodkind:=mkFunction;
-               else
-                 begin
-                   if def.returndef = voidtype then
-                     methodkind:=mkProcedure
-                   else
-                     methodkind:=mkFunction;
-                 end;
-               end;
-               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(methodkind));
+          maybe_write_align;
-               { write parameter info. The parameters must be written in reverse order
-                 if this method uses right to left parameter pushing! }
-               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(def.maxparacount));
+          { write kind of method }
+          case def.proctypeoption of
+             potype_constructor       : methodkind := mkConstructor;
+             potype_destructor        : methodkind := mkDestructor;
+             potype_class_constructor : methodkind := mkClassConstructor;
+             potype_class_destructor  : methodkind := mkClassDestructor;
+             potype_operator          : methodkind := mkOperatorOverload;
+             potype_procedure         :
+             begin
+               if po_classmethod in def.procoptions
+                 then methodkind := mkClassProcedure
+                 else methodkind := mkProcedure;
+             end;
+             potype_function:
+             begin
+               if po_classmethod in def.procoptions
+                 then methodkind := mkClassFunction
+                 else methodkind := mkFunction;
+             end
+           else
+             begin
+               if def.returndef = voidtype
+                 then methodkind := mkProcedure
+                 else methodkind := mkFunction;
+             end;
+           end;
-               for i:=0 to def.paras.count-1 do
-                 write_para(tparavarsym(def.paras[i]));
+           current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(methodkind));
-               if (methodkind=mkFunction) or (methodkind=mkClassFunction) then
-               begin
-                 { write name of result type }
-                 write_rtti_name(def.returndef);
-                 maybe_write_align;
+           { write parameter info. The parameters must be written in reverse order
+             if this method uses right to left parameter pushing! }
+           current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(def.maxparacount));
-                 { write result typeinfo }
-                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_sym(ref_rtti(def.returndef,fullrtti)))
-               end;
+           for i:=0 to def.paras.count-1 do
+             write_para(tparavarsym(def.paras[i]));
-               { write calling convention }
-               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(ProcCallOptionToCallConv[def.proccalloption]));
-               maybe_write_align;
+           if (methodkind=mkFunction) or (methodkind=mkClassFunction) then
+           begin
+             { write name of result type }
+             write_rtti_name(def.returndef);
+             maybe_write_align;
-               { write params typeinfo }
-               for i:=0 to def.paras.count-1 do
-                 if not(vo_is_hidden_para in tparavarsym(def.paras[i]).varoptions) then
-                   current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_sym(ref_rtti(tparavarsym(def.paras[i]).vardef,fullrtti)));
-            end
-          else
-            write_header(def,tkProcvar);
+             { write result typeinfo }
+             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_sym(ref_rtti(def.returndef,fullrtti)))
+           end;
+           { write calling convention }
+           current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_8bit(ProcCallOptionToCallConv[def.proccalloption]));
+           maybe_write_align;
+           { write params typeinfo }
+           for i:=0 to def.paras.count-1 do
+             if not(vo_is_hidden_para in tparavarsym(def.paras[i]).varoptions) then
+               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_rtti].concat(Tai_const.Create_sym(ref_rtti(tparavarsym(def.paras[i]).vardef,fullrtti)));
Index: rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp
--- rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp	(revision 23952)
+++ rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp	(working copy)
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
                HelperUnit : ShortString
                // here the properties follow as array of TPropInfo
-            tkMethod:
+            tkMethod, tkProcVar:
               (MethodKind : TMethodKind;
                ParamCount : Byte;
                ParamList : array[0..1023] of Char

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