[fpc-devel] Re: Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Kylix 3

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 17:34:37 CET 2013

On Monday 04 March 2013 15:19:56 Tomas Hajny wrote:
> >
> > Any idea, why FPC Linux is slower than FPC Windows?
> > Loading and highlighting does not sound like a task where many OS calls
> > are involved.
> Is the "starting MSEide" (as mentioned above) bit included in the measured
> time? That would probably imply quite some OS calls, of course...
Yes. The time is from pressing enter with "mseide" respective "mseidefp" on 
the the commandline until the last line of MacOSAll.pas from FPC 2.4.0 in the 
source editor window is colored. MSEide first shows the file without colors 
and does the highlighting in background if main event loop is idle.


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